Thursday 14 May 2009

This blog has been along time coming, but I would like to say congratulations to Ed for being elected as the EEO for 2009/2010

I hope he has as fun a year as I have

I want to wish him the best luck for making his manifesto pledges come true, and I hope to be as supportive as I possibly can

Water water every where and all free to drink

Looks like we will be able to get some cold water avalible in both reception and near spar in order for students to be able to fill water bottles up

Watch this space : )

Well Done to Vale Fest

Just sending a big well done to Vale Fest who have manged to get to the finals of the Student section of the Green Gown Awards

Find out more about the Green Gown Awards here:

Well done to the university who have also managed to get through in the research section for the Hydrogen Fuel Technology Research

Good luck in the next part and I'm looking forward to hearing the results.